

X May 21, 2024

Hey world

You may have noticed a few sales lately here at FLOX and I thought it was time to explain why…

2024, although challenging in its own ways, has been a massive year here at Haus Of FLOX and for me personally as an artist. There is a lot going on here behind the scenes and my team and I are excited for what the rest of the year will bring.

Firstly, I’ve been working on new collections of artworks and embracing new processes in order to do so. From employing AI technologies in my concept work to learning about NFT’s, to creating an online gallery portal, I’ve been busy up-skilling and adapting to this ever-changing creative world. It’s always been important for me to embrace technology while honouring my analogue processes, and never has this felt more significant for remaining relevant at this time. It’s exciting to be able to offer my art in this new era, in different mediums and on different platforms.

We also have a team of skilled professionals working on a new FLOX website, which we hope to roll out in the next couple of months. The new platform will offer a highly functional yet inspiring space to peruse all that is FLOX in the new era, while also enabling us to showcase new collections without the clutter of too many SKUs, hence the sales and streamlining!

In addition to new artworks, the FLOX 2024 Homebound Collection is currently in production offshore. This is one of the biggest pivots we’ve ever made with any of our product collections, offering a range of luxury travel and personal stationery items that we simply cannot wait to share with you all.

The FLOX brand is going through what I would regard as a brand evolution. We are redefining ourselves (and myself as an artist), and making some big moves, which means big investment. Although this may sound like a bad idea in this current climate, I’ve always felt like it’s times like these that big risks pay off.

In the meantime, we hope you’re enjoying the “Last of their Kind” sales and we look forward to bringing you the new look FLOX this year in everything from the art to the products to our new brand identity. Watch this space.


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My Story

As an aerosol and stencil artist with a fine art degree, Flox has been making her mark on the inner cityscape of Auckland since 2003.

Her trademark native birds, ferns and flowers are a celebration of Aotearoa’s environmental taonga. Using distinctly vibrant and confident colour on a scale combined with delicacy they have magically transformed grey walls into vibrant depictions of the natural world.

Flox swiftly expanded her practice into prints, publications, murals, graphic design, live painting, projects and workshops for both schools and the wider public. She has been involved in numerous collaborations, charity work and both group and solo exhibitions.

Her accessible narratives have broadened the appeal and shaped her into one of New Zealand’s most recognised contemporary artists.

In recent years Flox has focused on refining new ideas, exploring other cultures and pushing her own artistic boundaries. This resulted in a three-month Artist Residency in Taiwan and a journey to Udaipur in India, to expand her international audiences.

Seen everywhere from Berlin, Hong Kong, New York, Taiwan, India and the US, Flox continues spreading her wings and making her presence felt across public spaces and homes worldwide.

Flox Portrait